Monday, July 6, 2009

Can You Make Money Online Trading Forex?

The forex market is filled with scam offers and pie in the sky promises. On the other hand, it is the largest, most liquid market that trades twenty four hours a day. So how to find your way through the maze of offers that are out there, well here are four steps to becoming a successful trader.

Becoming a successful Forex trader basically comes down to four things:

1) Learning about the markets and your appitite for risk

How the markets work, what moves them, etc is a simple matter as these markets are not that complicated. Determining how well you are suited to trading is a difficult process however. Finding out how you react to stress and perform when real money is on the line can be a life long process

2) Finding and learning a system that fits your personality and life style

There are as many different systems as there are traders, many have been proven over time, so really the only question is which one suits me.I know many will dispute this point, however it really is not as complicated as some try to make it. Most of those making it hard are really just trying to sell you something. There are many free systems that once learned and traded can make you wealthy

3) Testing that system until you have an edge.

Testing is the heart of becoming a good trader. Most people don't do this. If you test something until you can prove and edge, no matter how small it may seem, you just need to trade it over and over to make money.

4) Trading that system exactly how you tested it, until you are wealthy.

Many traders are always looking for that magic system that will make money fast. The secret to wealth is to stick to the system you have tested and proved and do it until you acumulate wealth. Not chase the latest trading software or system.

When you are ready to trade this market, keep these four simple steps in mind and then do not let anything stand in your way of becoming the trader you want to be.


Forex Trading Education - 5 Key Points That Will Make You Successful When 95% of Traders Lose

95% of traders lose but they don't lose because they can't learn to win, they can they just make errors that are totally avoidable and if you avoid these errors and pay careful attention to the points enclosed, you can achieve currency trading success.

The first point to keep firmly in mind is you don't get success without learning skills and the vendors who tell that you can make a fortune without making any effort are lying. If Forex trading were that easy 95% of traders wouldn't lose.

You need to learn the basics and then follow the key points below and if you do, you can enjoy big Forex profits

1. You only need a Simple System

If you make a system to complicated it will have too many elements to break so keep it very simple just a few rules or parameters are all you need, to get a system which can be successful in the face of brutal market conditions.

2. Don't Over Leverage and Pay attention to Money Management

Your broker will give you a minimum of 200:1 leverage but just because you have access to it doesn't mean you should use it 10:1 is plenty for most traders. Over leveraging of accounts wipes out more accounts than any other single reason. Money management is the key to success, always place a stop and never run a loss, if you don't have strong, disciplined money management in place you will never win long term at Forex trading.

3. Run Profits and Understand Volatility

Most traders can't run profits, they try to restrict risk so much, they actually create it. They always move stops to close and get stopped out to soon and never catch the big trends, don't make this mistake.

4. Be Patient

Most traders think the more they trade the more gains they will make and they over trade. The savvy trader knows that to win at Forex trading, you should only trade high odds set ups. Many traders make triple digit profits, trading just a few times a month and you can too.

5. Forex Trading Success Depends on You!

You need confidence and discipline to win at Forex trading and you need to keep your emotions out of trading, most traders can't do this and that's why they lose. They can't accept their not perfect and their egos get hurt when they lose and they deviate from their trading plan and lose.

Forex trading success is open to all and it's not actually the market that beats the trader it's actually the trader who beats himself. Learn the key points above and they can lead you to Forex trading success.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market)

FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market)

The foreign exchange market is also known as FX or it is also found to be referred to as the FOREX. All three of these have the same meaning, which is the trade of trading between different companies, banks, businesses, and governments that are located in different countries. The financial market is one that is always changing leaving transactions required to be completed through brokers, and banks. Many scams have been emerging in the FOREX business, as foreign companies and people are setting up online to take advantage of people who don't realize that foreign trade must take place through a broker or a company with direct participation involved in foreign exchanges.

Cash, stocks, and currency is traded through the foreign exchange markets. The FOREX market will be present and exist when one currency is traded for another. Think about a trip you may take to a foreign country. Where are you going to be able to 'trade your money' for the value of the money that is in that other country? This is FOREX trading basis, and it is not available in all banks, and it is not available in all financial centers. FOREX is a specialized trading circumstance.

Small business and individuals often times looking to make big money, are the victims of scams when it comes to learning about FOREX and the foreign trade markets. As FOREX is seen as how to make a quick buck or two, people don't question their participation in such an event, but if you are not investing money through a broker in the FOREX market, you could easily end up losing everything that you have invested in the transaction.

Scams to be wary of
A FOREX scam is one that involves trading but will turn out to be a fraud; you have no chance of getting your money back once you have invested it. If you were to invest money with a company stating they are involved in FOREX trading you want read closely to learn if they are permitted to do business in your country. Many companies are not permitted in the FOREX market, as they have defrauded investors before.

In the last five years, with the help of the Internet, FOREX trading and the awareness of FOREX trading has become all the rage. Banks are the number one source for FOREX trading to take place, where a trained and licensed broker is going to complete transactions and requirements you set forth. Commissions are paid on the transaction and this is the usual.

Another type of scam that is prevalent in the FOREX markets is software that will aid you in making trades, in learning about the foreign markets and in practicing so you can prepare yourself for following and making trades. You want to be able to rely on a program or software that is really going to make a difference. Consult with your financial broker or your bank to learn more about FOREX trading, the FX markets and how you can avoid being the victim while investing in these markets.


Practicing in the Forex Market

Practicing in the Forex Market

So you want to learn about the Forex market, and trading internationally but you are risking your personal wealth if you jump in before knowing all about how trading takes place. Online, you will find many games and simulations while learning the methods involved in forex market trading. The forex markets include countries from around the world, where all countries involved are using different currencies, and when faced against each other are worth more or less than the original valued currencies that are being traded. The forex markets are used to build wealth in, for governments, banks, and brokers, and for many countries.

To get started in learning about forex trading, you will need to locate the forex trading software, education-learning system you want to use. As you find the games, as they are called, you will enter information about yourself, about what you are interested in learning and then you will download software to your computer. In following the 'game', you will learn how to make and lose money in the forex market. This type of game is going to make you more aware of what happens daily, how the markets open and close, and how different the various countries currencies really are.

You will open an online 'account' using the gaming system. You will then be able to read the news, find and compare markets, and you will be able to make 'fake' trades so you can watch your money build or be eaten away in losses. As you learn the system, using it a few times a week, you are going to be more prepared, more educated and you will be ready to use the forex trades to make money. Of course, you may still need the aid of broker or a company to make your transactions happen but you will better understand the process, what will happen, and what calls you may want to make when you read about the news, the markets, and the currencies in other countries.

The forex market is also referred to as the FX market. If you are interested in joining the millions who are making money in the forex markets, you want to ensure you are dealing with a reputable banker or company involved in forex trading. With the spur of interest in the forex markets, there are many types of companies that are popping out on the Internet appearing to be genuine forex trading companies but in reality, they are not. Forex trading can be completed through a broker, a company that deals in the funds, and from within your own country. For example, the US has many regulations and laws regarding forex trading and what companies are permitted to work with the public dealing with international trading and markets.


The World Wide Forex market

The World Wide Forex market

Forex is a trading 'method' also known as FX or and foreign market exchange. Those involved in the foreign exchange markets are some of the largest companies and banks from around the world, trading in currencies from various countries to create a balance as some are going to gain money and others are going to lose money. The basics of forex are similar to that of the stock market found in any country, but on a much larger, grand scale, that involves people, currencies and trades from around the world, in just about any country.

Different currency rates happen and change every day. What the value of the dollar may be one day could be higher or lower the next. The trading on the forex market is one that you have to watch closely or if you are investing huge amounts of money, you could lose large amounts of money. The main trading areas for forex, happens in Tokyo, in London and in New York, but there are also many other locations around the world where forex trading does take place.

The most heavily traded currencies are those that include (in no particular order) the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc, the British pound sterling, the Japanese yen, the Eurozone eruo, and the United States dollar. You can trade any one currency against another and you can trade from that currency to another currency to build up additional money and interest daily.

The areas where forex trading is taking place will open and close, and the next will open and close. This is seen also in the stock exchanges from around the world, as different time zones are processing order and trading during different time frames. The results of any forex trading in one country could have results and differences in what happens in additional forex markets as the countries take turns opening and closing with the time zones. Exchange rates are going to vary from forex trade to forex trade, and if you are a broker, or if you are learning about the forex markets you want to know what the rates are on a given day before making any trades.

The stock market Is generally based on products, prices, and other factors within businesses that will change the price of stocks. If someone knows what is going to happened before the general public, it is often known as inside trading, using business secrets to buy stocks and make money - which by the way is illegal. There is very little, if any at all inside information in the forex trading markets. The monetary trades, buys and sells are all a part of the forex market but very little is based on business secrets, but more on the value of the economy, the currency and such of a country at that time.

Every currency that is traded on the forex market does have a three letter code associated with that currency so there is no misunderstanding about which currency or which country one is investing with at the time. The eruo is the EUR and the US dollar is known as the USD. The British pound is the GBP and the Japanese yen is known as the JPY. If you are interested in contacting a broker and becoming involved in the forex markets you can find many online where you can review the company information and transactions before processing and becoming involved in the forex markets.


Practicing in the Forex Market

Practicing in the Forex Market

So you want to learn about the Forex market, and trading internationally but you are risking your personal wealth if you jump in before knowing all about how trading takes place. Online, you will find many games and simulations while learning the methods involved in forex market trading. The forex markets include countries from around the world, where all countries involved are using different currencies, and when faced against each other are worth more or less than the original valued currencies that are being traded. The forex markets are used to build wealth in, for governments, banks, and brokers, and for many countries.

To get started in learning about forex trading, you will need to locate the forex trading software, education-learning system you want to use. As you find the games, as they are called, you will enter information about yourself, about what you are interested in learning and then you will download software to your computer. In following the 'game', you will learn how to make and lose money in the forex market. This type of game is going to make you more aware of what happens daily, how the markets open and close, and how different the various countries currencies really are.

You will open an online 'account' using the gaming system. You will then be able to read the news, find and compare markets, and you will be able to make 'fake' trades so you can watch your money build or be eaten away in losses. As you learn the system, using it a few times a week, you are going to be more prepared, more educated and you will be ready to use the forex trades to make money. Of course, you may still need the aid of broker or a company to make your transactions happen but you will better understand the process, what will happen, and what calls you may want to make when you read about the news, the markets, and the currencies in other countries.

The forex market is also referred to as the FX market. If you are interested in joining the millions who are making money in the forex markets, you want to ensure you are dealing with a reputable banker or company involved in forex trading. With the spur of interest in the forex markets, there are many types of companies that are popping out on the Internet appearing to be genuine forex trading companies but in reality, they are not. Forex trading can be completed through a broker, a company that deals in the funds, and from within your own country. For example, the US has many regulations and laws regarding forex trading and what companies are permitted to work with the public dealing with international trading and markets.


FOREX, trading foreign currency

FOREX, trading foreign currency

FOREX trading is all about trading foreign currency, stocks, and similar type of products. The currency of one country is weighed against the currency of another country to determine value. The value of that foreign currency is taken into consideration when trading stocks on the FOREX markets. Most countries have control over the value of that countries value, involving the currency, or money. Those who are often involved in the FOREX markets include banks, large businesses, governments, and financial institutions.

What makes the FOREX market different from the stock market?
A forex market trade is one that involves at least two countries, and it can take place worldwide. The two countries are one, with the investor, and two, the country the money is being invested in. Most all transactions taking place in the FOREX market are going to take place through a broker, such as a bank.

What really makes up the FOREX markets?
The foreign exchange market is made up of a variety of transactions and counties. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading in large volumes, large amounts of money. Those who are involved in the FOREX market are generally involved in cash businesses, or in the trade of very liquid assets that you can sell and buy fast. The market is large, very large. You could consider the FOREX market to be much larger than the stock market in any one country overall. Those involved in the FOREX market are trading daily twenty-four hours a day and sometimes trading is completed on the weekend, but not all weekends.

You might be surprised at the number of people that are involved in FOREX trading. In the years 2004, almost two trillion dollars was an average daily trading volume. This is a huge number for the number of daily transactions to take place. Think about how much a trillion dollars really is and then times that by two, and this is the money that is changing hands every day!

The FOREX market is not something new, but has been used for over thirty years. With the introduction of computers, and then the internet, the trading on the FOREX market continues to grow as more and more people and businesses alike become aware of the availablily of this trading market. FOREX only accounts for about ten percent of the total trading from country to country, but as the popularity in this market continues to grow so could that number.


Forex trading, where do customers go?

Forex trading, where do customers go?

Forex trading uses currency and stock markets from a variety of countries to create a trading market where millions and millions are traded and exchanged daily. This market is similar to the stock market, as people buy and sell, but the market and the over all results are much much larger. Those involved in the forex trading markets include the Deutsche bank, UBS, Citigroup, and others such as HSBC, Braclays, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan Chase, and still others such as Goldman Sachs, ABN Amro, Morgan Stanley, and so on.

To get involved in the forex trading markets, contacting any of these large broker assistance firms is going to be in your best interest. Sure, anyone can get involved in the forex market, but it does take time to learn about what is hot, what is not, and just where you should place your money at this time.

International banks are the markets biggest users on the forex markets, as they have millions of dollars to invest daily, to earn interest and this is just one method of how banks make money on the money you save in their bank. Think about the bank that you deal with all the time. Do you know if you can go there, and obtain money from 'another' country if you are heading out on vacation? If not, that bank is most likely not involved in forex trading. If you have to know if your bank is involved in forex trading, you can ask any manager or you can look at the financial information sheets that banks are to report to the public on a quarterly baiss.

If you are new to the forex market, it is important to realize there is no one person or one bank that controls all the trades that occur in the forex markets. Various currencies are traded, and will originate from anywhere in the world. The currencies that are most often traded in the forex markets include those of the US dollar, the Eurozone euro, the Japanese yen, the British pound sterling and the Swiss franc as well as the Australian dollar. These are just a few of the currencies that are traded on the forex markets, with many other counties currencies to be included as well. The main trading centers for the forex trading markets are located in Tokyo, New York and in London but with other smaller trading centers located thought out the world as well.


Forex trading, what the hype is all about

Forex trading, what the hype is all about

Forex trading is all about making big money. Some investors have found it quite easy to make a large amount of money as the forex market changes daily. Forex, is the foreign exchange market. Online and offline you will find references to the forex market as FX as well. Forex trading takes place through a broker or a financial institution often where you are able to purchase other types of stocks, bonds and investments.

When you are thinking about getting involved in the forex markets you should know you are sending money to be invested with other countries. This is done to prop up the investments of people involved in certain types of hedge funds, and in the markets overseas. The forex market could have your money invested in one market one day, and the next day your money is invested in another country. The daily changes are determined by your broker or financial institution. When reading your statements and learning more about your account, you will find that every type of currency has three letters that will represent that currency.

For example, the United States dollars is USD, the Japanese yen is JPY, and the British pound sterling will read as GBP. You will also find that for every transaction on your account listing you will see information that looks like this: JPYzzz/GBPzzz. This means that you took your Japanese yen money and invested it into something in the British pound market. You will find many transactions from one currency to another if you have money that is scattered through out the forex markets.

Forex markets trading by investment management firms are the companies you can trust with your money. You want to find a company that has been dealing with forex trading since the early seventies, and not someone just new on the block so you get the most for your hard earned money. It is important that you beware of companies that are popping up online, and often times from foreign countries that are stating they can get you involved in the forex markets and trading. Read the fine print, and know whom you are dealing with for the best possible protection.

If you are interested in trading on the forex market, you will find limits for investing are different from company to company. Often times you will learn that you need a minimum of $250 or $500 while other companies will need $1000 or $10,000. The company you are dealing with will set limits in how much you need to open an account with their company. The scams that are online will tell you, that you only need a $1 or $5 to open an account, but you need to learn more about that company and where they are doing business before investing any money, this is for your own protection while dealing in forex trading and markets online.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Foreign exchange market is different from the stock market

Foreign exchange market is different from the stock market

The foreign exchange market is also known as the FX market, and the forex market. Trading that takes place between two counties with different currencies is the basis for the fx market and the background of the trading in this market. The forex market is over thirty years old, established in the early 1970's. The forex market is one that is not based on any one business or investing in any one business, but the trading and selling of currencies.

The difference between the stock market and the forex market is the vast trading that occurs on the forex market. There is millions and millions that are traded daily on the forex market, almost two trillion dollars is traded daily. The amount is much higher than the money traded on the daily stock market of any country. The forex market is one that involves governments, banks, financial institutions and those similar types of institutions from other countries. The

What is traded, bought and sold on the forex market is something that can easily be liquidated, meaning it can be turned back to cash fast, or often times it is actually going to be cash. From one currency to another, the availability of cash in the forex market is something that can happen fast for any investor from any country.

The difference between the stock market and the forex market is that the forex market is global, worldwide. The stock market is something that takes place only within a country. The stock market is based on businesses and products that are within a country, and the forex market takes that a step further to include any country.

The stock market has set business hours. Generally, this is going to follow the business day, and will be closed on banking holidays and weekends. The forex market is one that is open generally twenty four hours a day because the vast number of countries that are involved in forex trading, buying and selling are located in so many different times zones. As one market is opening, another countries market is closing. This is the continual method of how the forex market trading occurs.

The stock market in any country is going to be based on only that countries currency, say for example the Japanese yen, and the Japanese stock market, or the United States stock market and the dollar. However, in the forex market, you are involved with many types of countries, and many currencies. You will find references to a variety of currencies, and this is a big difference between the stock market and the forex market.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How To Make Money off Your Blog

You pound on the keyboard each day, broadcasting your unalloyed truths to the world (or at least to friends and family) via your blog. Unfortunately, earning such singular authority demands serious time and energy, and what begins as a hobby can quickly start seeming like Job No. 2 -- sans paycheck. But haven't you heard? You can turn your Web log into a digital cash cow. Simply choose among these techniques (but keep in mind that it's not all free money -- come tax season, Uncle Sam gets his fair share).


. Selling ad space might be the oldest way to make a buck, and with Google's free AdSense service (, it's way too easy. AdSense allows bloggers to display up to three content-specific "ad units" (boxes that can hold up to four ads each) per page. "If you're writing about sports cars, they'll be ads about sports cars," says Biz Stone, Blogger senior specialist at Google. Each time a visitor clicks these ads, you get paid. Google doesn't disclose its exact share of the revenue, but a personalized report page lets you track your own earnings. Earn at least $100 and Google sends you a check.


If you want more control over the ads on your blog, hit BlogAds lets you join its database free and set your own ad prices. Companies (including media bigs such as Paramount Pictures and Random House) then search for suitable blogs and purchase ad space for a set period -- say, one month. In contrast to the way AdSense works, your earnings don't depend on whether a reader clicks the ad. All you have to do is give 20 percent of your net revenue to Mr. BlogAd, and you keep the rest. Perhaps best of all, you can indulge your megalomaniacal tendencies by approving or declining potential ads at will.


. Many companies run "affiliate" programs: Post an ad provided by or Lands' End, for example, and receive a small commission every time your readers click that ad, go to the company's Web site and end up buying a book or splurging on a down parka. Referral fees -- the cash you get from these transactions -- vary (you can earn as much as 10 percent per sale from Amazon). LinkShare ( claims to run the Internet's biggest "affiliate marketing network," with more than 600 companies on its roster of advertisers. Another service, Commission Junction (, runs programs for eBay and, among others.


. If you're toiling away to maintain a blog that people enjoy, why not ask your guests to show a little monetary appreciation? The online payment service PayPal ( lets you add a donation button to your blog. You can opt to receive money in U.S. dollars, Canadian dollars, Japanese yen, pounds sterling or euros. When visitors give money, PayPal sends you an e-mail to let you know. Amazon's Honor System ( and BitPass ( offer similar donation options.


. Don't dig ads? Uncomfortable asking for handouts? Then create your own blog-branded gear at, which offers more than 50 products begging for your unique logo. Choose from standard fare such as T-shirts and coffee cups, or, if Grandma doesn't read your blog, opt for sexy thong underwear (ooh la la). You get to sell each product at whatever price your entrepreneurial heart desires. CafePress gets back the original base price ($13.99 for T-shirts, $10.99 for mugs); you keep the markup. Just add your online store's link to your blog, and all that's left to do is wait for CafePress to send you a monthly check. See? It's practically like your real job.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

10 Most successful top ways to make money online

Money making is not a tough job on the Internet, people make it thought because this thing really need a few sacrifices in order to return you something.

  • Patience - People who went rich in nights, they did not do that in one day. They spent time and keep a patience on what they were doing
  • Time & Effort - Nothing in this world can be obtained without any effort. You need to spent time on a job in order to make a successful business. That’s the big key to success.

Anyways making money on the internet is really not that tough. You can make it in easy way or difficult way. Easy way is to find the skill you have on your own. For example may be you can write good on different topics, or may be you can make beautiful designs or may be you have good development or programming skill. If you continue with the skill you have, it is the easiest way to make money online
The harder ways can be many, from starting mini sites to earn $100 a day with Adsense TO spending money on PPC and promoting products from other people or affiliate marketing in simple words.
Here is a short list of some of the best ways to make money online.
1. Do you know how to copy/paste
You can start any sort of data entry job. This is easiest way and everybody can do that. But payout in this way is sometimes less while you have to do more effort and work. Data entry jobs can be found at many places like freelancing sites (Elance, RentaCoder, getAFreeLancer, etc). Or there are many companies too which are looking for data entry persons. Just google it and you’ll find the top results.
2. Can you design ?
Graphic designing is a long term way to make money online with you designing skills. If you have good grip on graphic designing, you can get a lot of money by designing graphics for other people. The best way is to start a few pages portfolio website and put some of your best work on it along with the client’s testimonials (if you have). Testimonials really works and can attract more clients to you. You can also try freelancing sites to find work and clients.
3. Coding is always needed
If you are a good web developer then you have the best skill to make tons of money online. Because coding is always expensive for clients but this expense worth for them. I am myself a php web developer. I know i m the one of the best coders in this field because I have experienced a lot of things and make tons of money with this skill. In last 3 years I don’t remember but I have made more than a million myself with this skill. I am still with my long term clients because if people know you are the best, they won’t leave you and give you jobs regularly. You can start from freelancing sites and find the best people to work with them regularly and focus on your behavior with them. They won’t leave you as big companies are always in need of web developers to maintain their websites.
4. Do you have good writing power?
Content writing is another best way to make money online. If your English skills are good and you have a big bag of words in your mind, then you can start writing for other people. Try if you can focus on one topic it would be best but it is not aways required. You can write on financial topics (that’s is the one which pays most), you can write on Internet marketing topics or on health topics (another big demand).
5. Do you have something to spent? Try website flipping
Money can not always be made freely. Sometimes you can spent a little money to make more. If you have some financial resources, you can start a couple of websites, hire some writers to write best articles on the topics. Start building links for this website. Make all of your efforts for atleast one month and bring a couple of visitors each day on your website. Then sell it.
You can get $7.21 a .com domain from godaddy. Better if you could try an expired one.A hosting budget (one time only)One month for building FREE links.
Then you can sell a website with few daily visitors around $100 to $300 easily. This is called making money with website flipping :) Now image if you do the same with 30 websites. You can earn up to $3000 each month.
6. come on, at least you can fill a Form to make money - lol
You can try paid surveys. They can give you good money by just keeping yourself busy in filling out the surveys. There are many websites you can try like survey or etc
7. Giving SEO services to people
Search engine optimization is a big need of Internet business these days. Everyone wants to get tons of traffic in FREE ways. Free ways is to obtain visitors from search engines and for this, they have to build links or optimize their website to make it SEO friendly. If you have the right formula you can give SEO services to people. Believe me it is the highest paying job. One of my friend is taking $500 per hour for SEO service for a big company and he is proving to them that he deserve this rate
8. Forum posting Services
Of Course this one pays too. Everyone wants to promote their website and one of the promotion method is forum posting. You can get some clients easily and start posting them on different forums by giving them backlinks or sometimes clients wishes you to post on their own forum. You can easily get up to $0.50 per post easily and for each post you just to write two to five lines of text.
9. Social Bookmarking Service
You can also try by giving social bookmarking services to people. This is also one of the best ways to drive quick traffic to websites. All you have to do is to prepare a short paragraph about a site and submit it to a desired number of social bookmarking sites.
10. Sell Stuff from other people
You can also sell other people’s stuff. This is also known as affiliate marketing. you can join some of affiliate networks and start promoting products of other people. As a return you’ll your commission. See my post on what is affiliate marketing.


3 ways to make your blog profitable

There could be many way to make money with blogs. Some can bring you a lot while some can give you only few cents a day. Its all up to you that how you run your blog and how much of course.
The key to success with blogging is to update your blog as much as you can. Do an update at least 4 times a week and you are not going to lose generic search engine traffic. Because thats the traffic which brings free money and traffic.
1. Three old words
Sell Advertisement spaceOf course selling advertisement space is the biggest way to make money with your blogs. As long as you have enough traffic on your blog, you have the gold chain. If you are starting a blog then choose the topic you can write most because people will stay on your blog as long as they have good information on your blog. Otherwise they will just read and go away forever. You can sell advertisement space on your blogs easily as much as from $50 to $200 per 125×125 banner. But this really need good and targeted traffic. To obtain traffic, you might need to read SEO Tips section to learn how to optimize your website search engine friendly and the best way to get backlinks to your blog.
2. Write reviews for other blogs
This is another good way to earn with blogging. You can go to some best review sites like sponsoredreviews, payperreview, reviewme etc. Then sign up as blogger and start writing reviews or posts on a topic of advertiser’s choice and give them two or three link backs. This way you get two things. One is the few dollars for writing reviews for advertisers and second is the update of your blog. Yeah , your blog is always up to date to get more traffic from Google and other search engines.
3. Write reviews for affiliate Products
Another way to earn with blogging is to start writing your own reviews or posts on different affiliate products. In an action (e.g sale or lead) you can get a good amount of commission from your affiliate advertiser. You can sign up for commission junction, neverblueads or some other good affiliate networks and find the product you can write on, and promote. A good and helpful review always returns something. People make plenty of money by running web hosting blogs, health & fitness blogs etc


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Make Money Posting Links on Google

An interesting topic that a lot of people are learning about right now is how to make money by posting links on Google. The basic idea is to get your articles and websites listed in Google's search results so that people can find them. Obviously you can push a ton of traffic to your site this way and if you can do that, you can turn it into dollar bills.

I'm teaching people how to make money using the Internet. In the last few months, a few programs have come out that are supposed to teach people how to make money by posting links so I thought I would offer an explanation about what they're teaching.

There are two basic groups that are using this wording to get people to buy their products.

The first group is pitching an educational product that teaches people how to make money by publishing Google-sponsored links. These links are called AdSense and can be placed on any web page that you have ownership of.

The second group is trying to sell a product that simply teaches people how to get their sites listed in Google.

In all reality you actually need to learn both methods to be able to make money by posting links. The reason for this is pretty obvious if you think about it. You need traffic to click on your sponsored links.

What people are doing is creating websites that are designed specifically to provide solid information and because of that, they rank well in Google and get traffic. They then provide Google's sponsored links and get paid for the clicks that their sites generate. This is the real way you can make money by posting links on Google.

There are people that makes thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars per month using this method.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

7 Quick Ways For College Students To Make Money Online

I came up with a list of 7 quick ways college students could make extra money online.I dismissed blogging in general because it takes some time to get a blog established and making money (the exception is local websites and blogs, see below). I assumed the emailer needed money fairly quick.

Here are my suggestions to the emailer.

  1. Project Payday: A few months ago, I experimented with a legitimate way to make money quick online with a program called Project Payday. I took about half a day and researched this project online. Seemed real people were making real money with it. Not getting rich, but making enough extra money quickly to pay some bills or other stuff. The next day I signed up with Project Payday, watched the training video’s and browsed the Forums to get a feel as to how this program worked. In all, this process took me a few hours. The next day I followed the directions and made myself available for some “jobs”. The first day, I made $50. The next day I hit it hard for about 6 hours and brought down $225 for my efforts. The following day, I worked 3 to 4 hours total and made $130. I soon found out one drawback to this program. It’s boring! No special skills are needed other than the know-how to operate your computer and use the Internet, but it is tedious work. I’m not cut out to spend hours behind a computer! Most people can make money quickly with this program, but you’ll have to put the time into it. The more time you put into it, the more money you’ll make generally. It’s that simple. If you’re interested, check out Project Payday. It’s free to sign up, so go ahead and sign up, read the promotional literature they have and watch the training video’s. They even have a guarantee that says if you follow the simple 4 step process in Method 1 and don’t make money in 24 hours, they’ll give you $100! This is the best guarantee I’ve seen online. I doubt anyone will need it though, because it is that easy to make money with Project Payday.
  2. Read Emails - Taking Online Survey’s, etc: In my opinion, this isn’t as easy as Project Payday, but it’s real close. There are companies that receive thousands of emails every day that need to be read. Obviously the CEO or other employees can’t spend every day reading emails, so they outsource this. There are several companies where they outsource this type of work as well as other tedious, time consuming chores such as product testing, online surveys, online mystery shopping and other. Send Earnings is one such company that other companies outsource to. Consumers such as you sign up and are normally paid on a per assignment completed basis. The pay varies by what type of assignment you choose. You choose where you want to make money.
  3. Become a Freelance Writer - Can you Write a sentence? Then you may have what it takes to make money as a Freelance Writer. You don’t have to have a degree in English either. In fact, if you can write in an easy to read manner, you have what it takes to make money writing Web content, short stories and other media. You can sell articles on Forums like DigitalPoint and SitePoint, but don’t expect to make a whole lot. Or you can sign up for a service like Freelance Home Writers. Basically this is a job board for Writers where Companies and Individuals needing Writers post their offers. You can either accept or reject them, it’s up to you.
  4. Ebay - Yes, ebay. As long as there are College Students, there’ll be some students who need money and those who are making money. You could easily sell stuff for other Students and take a small commission from them. A better way would find Dropshippers and Wholesalers. This is how many Power Sellers make their living from eBay. Back when I made money with Ebay, I visited Garage Sales and Estate Auctions to buy stuff to resell. It wasn’t until I got the FREE Ebay For Dummies starter kit (I think I had to pay 2 bucks for shipping) that I really started making some good money. This starter kit is full of tips and advice for people wanting to make money with ebay. It also has lists of Dropshippers and Wholesalers that you can use.
  5. Become an Online Tutor - I’m not sure what this pays, but I’ve known people in the past who have worked with companies like e-Tutor, SmartThinking and Tutor.Com. Online tutoring is an in-demand service and growing all the time. If you like helping others learn, this could be just the ticket for you. You will have to set aside a certain number of hours per week, anywhere from 2 hours on up on average depending upon which service you go with.
  6. Give eLessons - Do you know MS Word inside and out? Can you make an Excel spreadsheet scream for mercy? Can you work magic with Quicken? Well, there are thousands of people who just want to know the basics of these programs or are looking for some updating. You can advertise on places such as Craigslist and Kijiji or even the local newspaper. You’d be surprised at the number of people just wanting to learn the basics on operating a computer and who are willing to pay someone to teach them!
  7. Become an Online Juror - Even Lawyers need to practice! There are places such a eJury and TrialJuries.Com that stage mock trials. The Jurors get paid anywhere from $5 to $60 depending on how complex the case is. There’s no guarantee you’ll get a case, but it has to better than cleaning up after the old folks at the Senior Citizen Center! Many colleges have access to these mock jury trials, but from what I’ve been told, they don’t pay as much as the online jury pools. Also, as with anything in life, if you slack off on the Jury, don’t expect to be called back. The more you pay attention and get involved, the more likely they’ll “keep your name around.”
    Some college students show up on the first day in a bright shiny BMW convertible. Those are the ones who do not need help. For most College Students, a few extra dollars a month goes a long ways in making it easier to study for their classes. If you’re in a pinch, there’s no need to run down to the Blood Center to give blood, just turn your computer on and go to work.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

28 Ways to Make Money in Internet

There are several lists with “ways to make money with a website/blog” on the Internet, but none of them seem to be complete. That is why I decided to create this one. If you know a method that is not listed below, just let us know and we’ll update it.

Notice that ways to make money with a website are different from ways to make more money from it. Methods to increase your traffic or click-through rate will help you make more money, but they do not represent a method of making money per se.
For example, one could suggest that blending AdSense ads with the content is a way to make money from a website. In reality it’s not; it’s just a way to make more money by improving your ad click-through rate. The real monetization method behind it is a PPC ad network.
The list is divided into direct and indirect methods, and examples and links are provided for each point. Enjoy!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Text Link Ads

After Google declared that sites selling text links without the nofollow tag would be penalized, this monetization method became less popular.
Many website owners are still using text links to monetize their sites, though, some using the nofollow tag and some not.
The advantage of this method is that it is not intrusive. One can sell text links directly through his website or use specialized networks like Text-Link-Ads and Text-Link-Brokers to automate the process.
Text link marketplaces and networks:
DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum


CPM Advertising Networks

CPM advertising networks behave pretty much as PPC networks, except that you get paid according to the number of impressions (i.e., page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM stands for Cost per Mille, and it refers to the cost for 1,000 impressions.
A blog that generates 100,000 page views monthly displaying an advertising banner with a $1 CPM, therefore, will earn $100 monthly.
CPM rates vary with the network, the position of the ad and the format. The better the network, the higher the CPM rate (because they have access to more advertisers). The closer you put the ad to the top of the page, the higher the CPM. The bigger the format (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM.
You can get as low as $0,10 and as high as $10 per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work well on websites with a high page views per visitor ratio (e.g., online forums, magazines and so on).
List of popular CPM advertising networks:

  • Casale Media
  • Burst Media
  • Value Click
  • Tribal Fusion
  • Right Media


PPC Advertising Networks

Google AdSense is the most popular option under this category, but there are also others. Basically you need to sign up with the network and paste some code snippets on your website. The network will then serve contextual ads (either text or images) relevant to your website, and you will earn a certain amount of money for every click.
The profitability of PPC advertising depends on the general traffic levels of the website and, most importantly, on the click-through rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC). The CTR depends on the design of the website. Ads placed abode the fold or blended with content, for instance, tend to get higher CTRs. The CPC, on the other hand, depends on the nice of the website. Mortgages, financial products and college education are examples of profitable niches (clicks worth a couple of dollars are not rare), while tech-related topics tend to receive a smaller CPC (sometimes as low as a couple of cents per click).
The source of the traffic can also affect the overall CTR rate. Organic traffic (the one that comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social media traffic, on the other hand, presents terribly low CTRs because these visitors are tech-savvy and they just ignore ads.
List of popular CPC advertising networks:

  • Google Adsense
  • Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN)
  • BidVertiser
  • Chitika
  • Clicksor


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Traffic Using Only Free Methods

How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods
Putting up a company would of course require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need a capital. To make money requires money as well. But of course, with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.
While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many sites don’t have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site. Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness. You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.
How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent. Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don’t need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to tell you.
Take advantage of online forums and online communities. The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss about lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer. Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.
With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company. Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.
You can also make use of newsletters. Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles. If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.
Another great idea is trading links with other sites. You don’t have to spend a cent. All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster. With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites. Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.
Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product. Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.
Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles. When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated. Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there’s a great probability that they will go to your site.
Write good content for your site. Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used. It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer. You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational. It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality. Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results. With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.
All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free. All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours. Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.


Google Adwords

Using Google Adwords To Drive Laser Targeted Traffic
The biggest well known secret in generating wealth in the internet based business or e-commerce is Traffic. Everybody knows it; every site wants it and every site needs it. The point of websites is to be visited and viewed. Many elaborate designs, money and countless hours of developing a site to make them beautiful and attractive are utilized. Without traffic, it is for naught.
With traffic comes a potential customer which basically means sales which in turn means profit. While many sites have collapsed in the past with the downturn of many internet based business, many smaller sites have generated good money by concentrating on a certain niche and some subniches.
This is a reason why e-commerce site laser target certain groups of people and drive them to their site to showcase their sites and products. Precision marketing is essential so that you could count on all the traffic on your site as potential customers.
Using Money to Make Money
It’s a common business notion that if you want to make money, you have to spend money. One good way of spending money for business gain is through advertising. Advertising brings in the people because through advertising, they know that there is such a company or product in existence. With the right type of advertising, you can see the spurt of traffic growth to your site. With a high volume of traffic, even if only a small portion or percentage turns out to be buying customers it is still a good average of profit generating income.
Right now, there is no other advertising scheme that would be worth every cent than using Google’s Adwords. The surge in popularity of Google’s Adwords is very evident as you can see so many sites sporting this ad scheme.
In using Google's Adwords, you pay a certain fee depending on the number of keywords your ad is keyword sensitive to. Each time a person does a search in Google, the keyword or keywords use generate ads in the side of Google which are generated by the keywords they have assigned for their ads.
This method laser targets the traffic a site wants for their site. This also ensures that you are readily visible in the first page of a search result. Paying Google for this ad scheme ensures that your target group of people sees your ads. You drive your laser targeted traffic to your site which provides for their needs and wants. You can also be sure that you can meet their demands and needs.
Aside from Google, you can also be featured in their other search networks, these includes sites like, AskJeeves, AOL Search and Netscape. These sites also show Adwords ads that react to searches done by visitors. There are also content networks, non-search engine sites that feature Google Adwords, which will also carry your ads. But this is subjected to the niche the site features. Your chosen keywords will determine which content network shall feature your ad. The frequency of your ad shall also be determined by your allowed budget.
Laser Targeting your Traffic
To get a good number or estimate of the traffic to buying customer ratio it is good to laser target your traffic. Knowing that your traffic are all potential customers and are interested in your products and company provides you with a more accurate statistics. This will show you how effective your utilizing of Google Adwords is.
Drive laser targeted traffic to your site by using keywords or keyword phrases for your Goggle Adwords that pertains to your company and to your products. There are many online internet tools that can help you in choosing keywords and keyword phrases that are currently in demand that could help drive laser targeted traffic to your site.
With your Google Adwords ad, you are ensured that every click to your ad is a potential customer that is precisely looking pr interested in what you have to offer. Make sure that your Google Adwords ad has the right keywords so that you can drive you're laser targeted traffic to your site.
Using Google Adwords to help boost the drive to increase laser targeted traffic will prove to be very beneficial as many other companies can attest to. The benefits are high with the cost relatively justifiable.


The Importance of A Good Design

The Importance of A Good Design
Your website is the hub of your online business; it is the virtual representation of your company whether your company exists physically or not. When you are doing business online, people cannot see you physically like how they could if they were dealing with an offline company. Hence, people do judge you by your covers. This is where a good design comes in.
Imagine if you are running an offline company. Would you allow your salespersons to be dressed in shabby or casual clothes when they are dealing with your customers? By making your staff wear professionally, you are telling your customers that you do care about quality. This works simply because first impressions matter.
Similarly, the same case is with your website. If your website is put together shabbily and looks like a 5 minute "quick fix", you are literally shouting to your visitors that you are not professional and you do not care for quality.
On the opposite, if you have a totally professional looking website layout, you are giving your visitors the perception that you have given meticulous attention to every detail and you care about professionalism. You are organised, focused and you really mean business.
On the other hand, you should also have anything related to your company well designed. From business cards to letterheads to promotional brochures, every little bit matters. This is because as you grow your business, these items become the face of your business. Once again, think of the "salesperson dressed shabbily" anology, and you will get my point.


Good Design Practices

Good Design Practices
Your website is where your business resides -- it's like the headquarter of an offline company. Hence, it is important to practise good design principles to make sure your site reaches out to the maximum number of visitors and sells to as many people as possible.
Make sure you have clear directions on the navigation of your website. The navigation menu should be uncluttered and concise so that visitors know how to navigate around your website without confusion.
Reduce the number of images on your website. They make your site load very slowly and more often than not they are very unnecessary. If you think any image is essential on your site, make sure you optimize them using image editing programs so that they have a minimum file size.
Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If a paragraph is too long, you should split it into seperate paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be too big. This is important because a block of text that is too large will deter visitors from reading your content.
Make sure your website complies to web standards at and make sure they are cross-browser compatible. If your website looks great in Internet Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox and Opera, you will lose out on a lot of prospective visitors.
Avoid using scripting languages on your site unless it is absolutely necessary. Use scripting languages to handle or manipulate data, not to create visual effects on your website. Heavy scripts will slow down the loading time of your site and even crash some browsers. Also, scripts are not supported across all browsers, so some visitors might miss important information because of that.
Use CSS to style your page content because they save alot of work by styling all elements on your website in one go.


5 Important Rules in Website Design

5 Important Rules in Website Design
When it comes to your website, extra attention should be paid to every minute detail to make sure it performs optimally to serve its purpose. Here are seven important rules of thumb to observe to make sure your website performs well.
1) Do not use splash pages
Splash pages are the first pages you see when you arrive at a website. They normally have a very beautiful image with words like "welcome" or "click here to enter". In fact, they are just that -- pretty vases with no real purpose. Do not let your visitors have a reason to click on the "back" button! Give them the value of your site up front without the splash page.
2) Do not use excessive banner advertisements
Even the least net savvy people have trained themselves to ignore banner advertisements so you will be wasting valuable website real estate. Instead, provide more valueable content and weave relevant affiliate links into your content, and let your visitors feel that they want to buy instead of being pushed to buy.
3) Have a simple and clear navigation
You have to provide a simple and very straightforward navigation menu so that even a young child will know how to use it. Stay away from complicated Flash based menus or multi-tiered dropdown menus. If your visitors don't know how to navigate, they will leave your site.
4) Have a clear indication of where the user is
When visitors are deeply engrossed in browsing your site, you will want to make sure they know which part of the site they are in at that moment. That way, they will be able to browse relevant information or navigate to any section of the site easily. Don't confuse your visitors because confusion means "abandon ship"!
5) Avoid using audio on your site
If your visitor is going to stay a long time at your site, reading your content, you will want to make sure they're not annoyed by some audio looping on and on on your website. If you insist on adding audio, make sure they have some control over it -- volume or muting controls would work fine.


Google Adsense: Rules

Google Adsense: Rules Surrounding Invalid Clicks and Being in Control

What Is So Important About An Invalid Click and How Will It Affect Me?

More than anything, an invalid click is a big no-no and it will get your account terminated faster than anything else. Having said that, an invalid click is when a publisher clicks on their own ads to add to their earning potential . It’s also when a publisher asks others to click on their ads just to raise their revenue. It also raises the advertiser’s costs and Google won’t tolerate this. Google Adsense has state of the art technology and they know what’s going on.

Invalid clicks also happen when someone uses robots to click on ads or automated software. It is any deceptive practice used to click on ads.

Invalid clicks are also unnecessary as there are plenty of money-making opportunities with valid clicks. With an optimized website, useful content, and attractive ads, there’s no reason for anybody to even entertain the idea of using invalid clicks.

Having Control Over Your Adsense Account

You the publisher, have complete control over the advertisement that runs on your site. You can choose to run only image ads, only text ads, or a combination of both. Google recommends that you choose a combination of both to maximize your earning potential, but the decision is yours.

When making your ad decision, you also have the freedom to choose which type of ads run across your entire account (image or text) or you can narrow that decision to what type of ad might run on a particular page.

As of right now, you are not able to differentiate your image ad click rate from your text ad click rate. You can of course, differentiate your click rate from one site as opposed to another site. Say, for example, you run only image ads on one site and only text ads on another site. By setting up channels to track both sites, you can see which site has the better click rate. Of course, you have to take into consideration there would be more factors than whether you were running text or image ads. The content, the placement of the ads in general, even the color could make a difference.

Refer to the Google Adsense Support Site for specific instructions on how to enable or disable image ads. Remember, it’s all up to you!

Word Count 403



How to Profit From a Blog

How to Profit From a Blog

Blogs can be for profit or non-profit but most
bloggers blog for the purpose of making money. There
may be some contents published to simply provide an
outlet for voicing out the bloggers’ opinions and
share their thoughts. However, the general population
of bloggers has the intention of profiting
financially. Fortunately, there are several methods of
profiting from a blog and applying these methods can
help you gain money.

The Advertisements

Selling space for advertisers is one of the most
common ways to profit from a blog. Since blogs that
have a considerable amount of traffic can make income
with ad sales, make sure that you have a target
audience. The reason why bloggers choose to sell
advertising is that it is a passive form of income
once the traffic has progressed. Although it takes
work to look for advertisers and maintain the ads on
the blog, those who can achieve it can gain reasonable
amount of money with the ads.

Compared to other forms of profiting from a blog,
selling advertisement space can be one of the most
consistent revenue streams. If you are able to
maintain your ad slots filled, you should have a very
good idea of just how much you can make every month.

On the negative side, selling ads requires you to have
some kind of established traffic. Traffic is important
because it draws interest from potential advertisers.
You might find it hard to sell an ad space without
traffic and it will most likely not produce much
revenue. Additionally, the blog must have a target
audience in order to achieve the maximum amount of
cash for advertisement space. Remember that
advertisers are more likely to pay if your target
audience is a match to theirs.

Affiliate programs are also a major resource of
profits for several bloggers. Affiliate programs are
excellent in a sense that they enable you to have the
opportunity to make money even if your blog has a
small audience. However, one bad side to affiliate
programs is that there can be instances where you
cannot make any money at all.

Newly created blogs feature affiliate ads most of the
time compared to selling space directly to
advertisers. Since selling ads is hard to do without
much traffic, affiliate programs are perfect for new
blogs. More so, they can be easily maintained and only
take very little time.

Promoting and Premium Content

Bloggers who are service providers at the same time
have an excellent opportunity to look for clients and
increase their rates. Maintaining a blog that focuses
on your area of expertise can help you easily become a
recognized authority in your field. Additionally, it
can aid potential clients to find you. You can also
benefit from the increase in demand of your services
and improved reputation that you build, which enable
you to charge more for your services.

Aside from promoting your services, selling premium
contents are also excellent ways to profit from a
blog. Blogs are a massive source of information and
remember that not everything has to be free. There are
bloggers and business that attained success by selling
some of their work. There are blogs that sell
memberships on their Web sites. Although selling
premium content is possible in any field, you must
have the capability to give something to the reader
that is worth paying for.


The Basics of Blogging

The Basics of Blogging

With the advent of internet marketing, Web publishing
is continually gaining ground and popularity.
Nowadays, technologically savvy corporate businessmen,
or even business employees, use blogs to build and
manage relationships with their consumers. They share
their company’s expertise, culture and other
information, which can help develop the customer’s
interest in their products and services.

On the other hand, not only do businessmen venture in
the world of blogging but regular computer users too.
Not only can they voice out their opinions and
thoughts to others but also earn money in more ways
than one; from selling ad space to offering expert
services, which in turn builds their reputation as a

If you are thinking of entering the blogsphere, you
must be ready of the problems you might encounter in
several areas of blogging, such as: choosing,
installing and configuring your blog software tools.
Although the collection and assortment of
configurations vary widely, a neophyte blogger can
still get confused. The tools are not the only
obstacles you must overcome but also the terminologies
used for blogging.

Tools for Blogging

Basically, the software tools for your blog greatly
depend on your provider. For instance, the RSS
functionality can be absent from one provider but
present in another. Additionally, some blog software
tool providers can cost as low as $4 each month
depending on the extent of service you choose, while
others can be used for free but with limited services.

Choosing the right software tool depends on you. If
you have enough cash to spare for a blog or if you
want to really get serious with a blog and hope to
earn cash in the future, which is always a
possibility, you have the option of choosing priced
blog software tools. However, if you are a newbie
blogger, it might be advisable to start with free blog
software tool providers.

Fortunately, some providers that charge for their
services also offer free trial periods, which range
from 10 to 30 days. This is an excellent opportunity
to try and test out the services they offer without
paying any fee. Luckily, if you find a provider that
you are comfortable with and offer the services you
need, you can always use their free trial periods to
the full extent before subscribing.

Blogging Terminologies

Blogging is like a secret society and like most secret
societies; it has its own language that you must
learn. Although, technologically savvy individuals an
easily familiarize themselves with these terms, it
might be hard for those who have limited or no
background with Web publishing whatsoever.

Firstly, the most important term in blogging is Post.
A post happens every time you place or publish an
update to your blog; you also create a post this way.
Secondly, since blogs are a means of communication,
comments are also possible. If your audience leaves a
message regarding your published content, this message
is referred to as a comment. Normally, the comments
are labeled and time-stamped to allow you and other
readers to see who posted the comment and when it was

Comment spams, is also a term that happen when a
single reader continuously repeats the same comment
over and over again. This can be a headache for the
blogger as the blog can be used by the reader to
promote other blogs or Web site.

These are just some of the few terms that you can
encounter in blogging. Only exploration and experience
can help you understand the other terminologies
involved in blogging.


Writing and Publishing Your First Blog Entry

Writing and Publishing Your First Blog Entry

The content of your blog is an important factor in
gaining traffic and acquiring a target audience.
Publishing your first article or item is a great
milestone in your blogging career. Fortunately, there
are several basic guidelines, which can make your
content more effective to your audience, adored by the
search engines and respected by the world of blogging.

Publishing an Effective Content

Before you begin to write anything on your blog, you
should know who your target audience is and what they
want. If you see these factors as irrelevant for your
blog because your blog is not business oriented in any
way, you must remember that if you want readers then
these factors are really relevant.

Always remember that where there are readers there is
something interesting to read. The only reason why
people read is because they want something. If you
really want to achieve some kind of massive
readership, you must strive to make your content
interesting and actually what readers want.

First of all, keep in mind that communication is the
key. More so, your communication must be authentic.
The time when you publish your content is also the
time when you let your true self surface. Blogs are
personal in nature and communication is the key to
being personal. The fact that each blog is unique
because each writer is unique is enough for you to not
to worry about future similarities with other blog
entries. Keep in mind that whatever topic you are
blogging about you must incorporate your personality
with your writing.

In order to create a loyal target audience, it is
important for the visitors to trust you and relate to
you. It does not necessarily entail that they know
about your personal details but you must connect with
your audience in an authentic manner.

After establishing your communication with your
audience, the content must also be credible. The blog
must have authenticity even though credibility takes a
lot of time to build.

The moment you begin publishing your content, which is
of high value and useful to the readers, you also
start establishing your authority. There will come a
time when your readers ask you for advice or seek for
your opinion; this is the time when you have achieved
some kind of credibility and you must use this to
build your reputation as a blogger.

The Blogger’s Block

Blogging is writing but uses a different medium. There
are several methods to fight blogger’s block. Always
remember that your blog software exists to serve you
and not to frighten you. You do not have to try
blogging carrying the idea that you have prolific
writing skills, or a journalism degree. The fact is
that you have something to say and you want others to
hear it. However, if you are feeling stuck on an idea,
there are several suggestions that you can apply when
creating the content for your blog.

Firstly, you can try visiting other blogs. Visit those
blogs that interest you and pick ideas and topics from
those blogs that might be worth blogging about but
keep in mind the relevance of the topic and your
readership. You can also syndicate your news updates.
You can do this by subscribing to news services online
because they allow you to save time on searching using
keywords. This is most useful for bloggers.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Earn Money Online

How to Make Money through Blogging There are many money-making opportunities waiting for people online. For some reasons, many individuals stay at home. Some individuals can’t have a professional career because they have to take care of their family and some are simply jobless. However, this is the time to rejoice because now you can make money even without leaving your home. It’s time to learn about how to make money through blogging. Budding bloggers may not know the potential of earning huge money through blogging. But if you’re an excellent blogger, you can make more or less $20,000 every month just by posting blogs online. It’s quite amazing, isn’t it? Both bloggers and advertisers benefit from blogging largely. This is a rewarding business venture especially if you know how to go about the whole process. It is very important to build trust among your readers. Without your faithful readers, you will not succeed as a blogger. Many people have the talents in writing and if you’re one of them, you can take advantage of this opportunity and become a blogger. Paid blogging is getting more and more popular in today’s times and it’s definitely going to stay in the market for a long time. If you want to generate income by surfing the net at home, try creating interesting blogs. You don’t just share all your personal experiences or your favorite topics. If you want to become a successful blogger, you must also consider the interests of your readers and subscribers. You must be able to put some sizzle in your blogs to keep your readers interested. There are popular sites that can help budding bloggers like the PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and SponsoredReviews. If you want to know the latest blogging opportunities online, visit PayPerPost. After finding the right blogging opportunity, you can now make your offer to the advertisers. If the advertisers like the blogger, blogging reviews will be awarded. However, the case is different with ReviewMe. Instead of the bloggers contacting advertisers, it is the advertisers who contact their desired bloggers. Only the established and popular bloggers can regularly post blogs in ReviewMe. Despite the hardships that a blogger may encounter online, many people still desire to make money through blogging. If you want to live your life by simply creating blogs, make sure that you’re earning enough money to finance all your daily expenses. Otherwise, you can start looking for a much better career. Some bloggers also create their own website where they post their blogs. This requires hard work because you have to set up your site. You have to make it interesting as much as possible so that you can attract many readers. It must also be among the top searches in the different search engines. If you can generate enough traffic to your website and you’re a good blogger, you can make money out of it. Aside from that, if advertisers find your blog website appealing, they will instantly contact you and request you to make blogs for them. That way you’ll be earning huge money. In order to be a successful blogger, you must learn the basics of making blogs. It’s not that hard. Just make use of the resources you can find online and you can start your blogging career the soonest. Now, you no longer have to wonder how to make money through blogging because you now know the ins and outs.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Earn Money Online

How to Make Money through Blogging

There are many money-making opportunities waiting for people online. For some reasons, many individuals stay at home. Some individuals can’t have a professional career because they have to take care of their family and some are simply jobless.

However, this is the time to rejoice because now you can make money even without leaving your home. It’s time to learn about how to make money through blogging.

Budding bloggers may not know the potential of earning huge money through blogging. But if you’re an excellent blogger, you can make more or less $20,000 every month just by posting blogs online. It’s quite amazing, isn’t it?

Both bloggers and advertisers benefit from blogging largely. This is a rewarding business venture especially if you know how to go about the whole process. It is very important to build trust among your readers. Without your faithful readers, you will not succeed as a blogger.

Many people have the talents in writing and if you’re one of them, you can take advantage of this opportunity and become a blogger. Paid blogging is getting more and more popular in today’s times and it’s definitely going to stay in the market for a long time.

If you want to generate income by surfing the net at home, try creating interesting blogs. You don’t just share all your personal experiences or your favorite topics. If you want to become a successful blogger, you must also consider the interests of your readers and subscribers. You must be able to put some sizzle in your blogs to keep your readers interested.

There are popular sites that can help budding bloggers like the PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and SponsoredReviews. If you want to know the latest blogging opportunities online, visit PayPerPost. After finding the right blogging opportunity, you can now make your offer to the advertisers. If the advertisers like the blogger, blogging reviews will be awarded.

However, the case is different with ReviewMe. Instead of the bloggers contacting advertisers, it is the advertisers who contact their desired bloggers. Only the established and popular bloggers can regularly post blogs in ReviewMe. Despite the hardships that a blogger may encounter online, many people still desire to make money through blogging.

If you want to live your life by simply creating blogs, make sure that you’re earning enough money to finance all your daily expenses. Otherwise, you can start looking for a much better career.

Some bloggers also create their own website where they post their blogs. This requires hard work because you have to set up your site. You have to make it interesting as much as possible so that you can attract many readers. It must also be among the top searches in the different search engines.

If you can generate enough traffic to your website and you’re a good blogger, you can make money out of it. Aside from that, if advertisers find your blog website appealing, they will instantly contact you and request you to make blogs for them. That way you’ll be earning huge money.

In order to be a successful blogger, you must learn the basics of making blogs. It’s not that hard. Just make use of the resources you can find online and you can start your blogging career the soonest.

Now, you no longer have to wonder how to make money through blogging because you now know the ins and outs.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Make Money through Blogging

How to Make Money through Blogging

There are many money-making opportunities waiting for people online. For some reasons, many individuals stay at home. Some individuals can’t have a professional career because they have to take care of their family and some are simply jobless.

However, this is the time to rejoice because now you can make money even without leaving your home. It’s time to learn about how to make money through blogging.

Budding bloggers may not know the potential of earning huge money through blogging. But if you’re an excellent blogger, you can make more or less $20,000 every month just by posting blogs online. It’s quite amazing, isn’t it?

Both bloggers and advertisers benefit from blogging largely. This is a rewarding business venture especially if you know how to go about the whole process. It is very important to build trust among your readers. Without your faithful readers, you will not succeed as a blogger.

Many people have the talents in writing and if you’re one of them, you can take advantage of this opportunity and become a blogger. Paid blogging is getting more and more popular in today’s times and it’s definitely going to stay in the market for a long time.

If you want to generate income by surfing the net at home, try creating interesting blogs. You don’t just share all your personal experiences or your favorite topics. If you want to become a successful blogger, you must also consider the interests of your readers and subscribers. You must be able to put some sizzle in your blogs to keep your readers interested.

There are popular sites that can help budding bloggers like the PayPerPost, ReviewMe, and SponsoredReviews. If you want to know the latest blogging opportunities online, visit PayPerPost. After finding the right blogging opportunity, you can now make your offer to the advertisers. If the advertisers like the blogger, blogging reviews will be awarded.

However, the case is different with ReviewMe. Instead of the bloggers contacting advertisers, it is the advertisers who contact their desired bloggers. Only the established and popular bloggers can regularly post blogs in ReviewMe. Despite the hardships that a blogger may encounter online, many people still desire to make money through blogging.

If you want to live your life by simply creating blogs, make sure that you’re earning enough money to finance all your daily expenses. Otherwise, you can start looking for a much better career.

Some bloggers also create their own website where they post their blogs. This requires hard work because you have to set up your site. You have to make it interesting as much as possible so that you can attract many readers. It must also be among the top searches in the different search engines.

If you can generate enough traffic to your website and you’re a good blogger, you can make money out of it. Aside from that, if advertisers find your blog website appealing, they will instantly contact you and request you to make blogs for them. That way you’ll be earning huge money.

In order to be a successful blogger, you must learn the basics of making blogs. It’s not that hard. Just make use of the resources you can find online and you can start your blogging career the soonest.

Now, you no longer have to wonder how to make money through blogging because you now know the ins and outs.


How to Apply

Google Adsense: How to Apply for the Program and Important Info on Paying Taxes

How to Apply to the Google Adsense Program

Applying for a Google Adsense account is quick and easy for any interested webmaster. Just point your browser to and click on apply. Click on the drop down arrow under account type and select whether you’re an individual or business. If you’re not sure which one to choose, click on the question mark to the left. Next, select your country or territory.

Under website information, it asks for your primary URL. If you have your own website, list it here. If you are using a blogging site such as or that URL goes here.

Select your website’s primary language. Google adsense supports Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.

Select the product you want on your pages. Adsense for Content means you will have advertising targeted to the content on your pages. For instance, if you write about flooring, you might have carpet ads on your page. Adsense for Search is for you to add a Google search box to your pages. To maximize your Google Adsense earnings, you will want to have both.

After that, it’s just the regular contact information and you’re all set. You should receive an email in 2 or 3 days letting you know if your application is approved.

Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Google Adsense Earnings?

Google Adsense is required to collect tax information from those who participate in the program. If you’re a business, you’ll need to put your EIN number on your application. If you’re an individual, all you’ll need is your social security number. If you don’t have that information when you initially sign up, you can still apply for the Google Adsense program. But be advised that Google Adsense will withhold payments to you until they receive your tax information.

While Google does not withhold taxes or provide any tax advice, they will send you a 1099 once your earnings reach a certain amount. Of course, if you are a Non-US business and have no activity in the United States, you will not need to provide this information. For more tax information regarding the Google Adsense program, visit the Google Adsense Support site. For other tax-related questions or concerns, you can log onto


How Much Money You Can Make

Google Adsense: How Much Money You Can Make and URL Channels Explanation

How Much Money Can I Make With Google Adsense?

How much do you want to make? How hard do you want to work? And how much time do you want to spend working the Google Adsense program?

These are the questions you must ask yourself in order to answer that question.

Look at it this way: how many business opportunities come your way where the only requirement is hard work and the time it takes to work hard? Not many. Almost any business venture requires some kind of start-up money.

If your total earnings is showing 0.00 after a week, not to worry. Keep reading and learning and working. If however, you’re still showing 0.00 after a month, it may be time to implement some of those optimization tips you’ll find on the Google Adsense Support Site. Play around with the placement of the ads on your site. Consider changing the colors. Look again at the content. Is it interesting?

As with any other business, with the Google Adsense program, the sky is the limit. Work hard. Work smart. Have fun. After all, you’re the boss.

What Are URL Channels and How to Organize Them in Google Adsense

URL Channels allow you to view detailed information about the performance of your Adsense for Content pages.

Suppose you have a blog at and you also have a blog at It might be interesting and profitable to track which one is getting more clicks. Log in to your Adsense account and click on Adsense for Content. Scroll down until you see Channels and click on manage channels. You may need to scroll up when the next page loads. Under Manage URL Channels you would type and click on Create New Channel. You will immediately see in the Active URL Channels dialogue box Now type in in the same channel text box and again click on Create New Channel. You now have two channels and you will be able to track your progress on each channel. You can view channel reports from the Advanced Report page under the Reports tab. Choose Adsense for Content, choose the date range and then select the Channels Data radio button. Choose any number of active channels by holding down the CTRL key. Next click on Display Report. It’s as easy as that.


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